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Info Home Programs

Popular Music from

1920 to 1999

Artists Info Artists

Popular Music from

1920 to 1999


This is a test site (I started this in 2012) - fully featured pages are still in the design stage.

Please enjoy the  music selections in the  PROGRAMS pages

My apologies once again for the delay in upgrading the site.  My ongoing problems with Alzheimers Dementia means I have limited time to perform certain tasks. During the last few years I have recorded and cleaned up several hundred vinyl LPs, EPs and 45s which has opened up the site to more program ideas.

In this Site you will hear various genres. Including Soul, Blues, Rock’n’Roll, Psychedelia, Jazz etc.

Don't forget that you can still listen to these and earlier programs by clicking the PROGRAMS tab above.

We have also produced our own separate “Music from 20s to 90s” Site, which covers each decade from the ‘20s to ‘90s, including tracks from each year within those decades, with track listings and notes.

Thanks for your continuing support and I hope that you are still enjoying the shows.

 If you have any suggestions, comments or requests just email me at

So we’re different......but then so are you! Treat yourself to a music experience that thrills, informs and surprises!!

So you like to listen to music but don’t like to conform to the norm (whatever that is)....well, we don’t fit the common mould either!

From Astaire to Zappa…from Acid Jazz to Zydeco, you’ll hear sounds from most decades (from the 1920s onwards);  different music (rock, blues, soul, R&B, rock’n’roll, jazz, reggae, folk, country etc,); stories and insights into artists, music styles, themes, eras and so on;  hits, misses, album tracks, live music etc.

From the manic to the cheesy to the sublime, you’ll hear it all here - so go on, fill yer boots!!!

There are also several “TASTERS” which should whet the appetite.